After one year without writing, today I am posting from Manchester.
The mountain and Geology are my passion. I started discovering The Peak District and surroundings.
Hope Valley (Hope-Lose Hill- Holling Cross-Mam Tor-Castleton-Hope)
We could see the Peak district´s 350-million-year-old geological story. Derbyshire is divided into two general Geological regions. To the south “White Peak” comprises mostly Carboniferous limestones and to the north is mainly shales and sandstones known as “gritstone”. Hence, In the first section from Hope to Mam Tor Peak, we could see the shale and sandstone heights of Mam Tor (the Mother Mountain). Mam Tor has excellent viewpoint shows ancient landslips.

It is possible to see landslides from the heights. The biggest, the Mam Tor landslide is a kilometre‐long feature in shales and sandstones. The initial slope failure occurred over 4000 years ago as a rotational landslide that developed into a large debris flow at its toe.
It has an intricate series of small caverns, known as “pipes” were created by the natural process of “karst” cavern formation. In Castleton, there are a group of visitable caverns. One of them is called Blue John Cavern. It is home to eight of the fourteen known varieties of Blue-John Stone, a beautiful and ornamental fluor-spar.
We did a break in George pub in Castleton ann then we carried on to Hope crossing fields and doors.
Monsal Trail -Miller`s Dale-Bakewell-
The Monsal Trail is a former railway from the 18th century. The line closed in 1968. You can pass through 3 tunnels. The line cutting is part the Way Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest. The rocks were formed about 330-340 million years ago during the Carboniferous Period when a shallow tropical sea covered much of Britain. Most of the rocks are limestones. Volcanic rocks also occur. The Volcanic rocks are mostly basaltic lavas and chemically altered volcanic ash.